A Double Bill in Tuesday's Zoom on June 7th!

Along with impromptu Show-and-Tells, we have an exciting two-feature Zoom meeting on Tuesday, June 7, at 7 PM. 

Past-President Rob Suarez presents One Plane to Rule Them All, an ode to the Veritas jack rabbet plane.  In his own words Rob says this:

"I have this obsession with the Veritas jack rabbet plane, from its design elegance and brilliance, to its balance and feel and most importantly what it's capable of.  Could this one plane be your only one in a minimalist kit?  Could we recommend this as the first plane to buy for any beginning woodworkers?  This presentation is to promote the glory of plane, through a practical and hand built project, exploring the full potential of the jack rabbet’s capabilities."

Now, do your fine speakers look cheap because of their plastic enclosures?  Do you want to replace them with beautiful wood grain housings?  Then June's second feature presentation is for you.  Dean Hummel will explain how he builds speaker enclosures out of dense, acoustically friendly, man-made materials then covers them with veneer in cherry, maple, or other species.  Look, it's a win-win: Not only will your speakers sound great -- maybe better -- but you'll want to bring them out into view.

June's first Tuesday falls on the 7th and the show proper will begin at 7 PM.  OWA members' invitations will arrive by email.  Zoom will fire up at 6:45 giving us time to arrange seating.  (Sigh.)


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