Season Launch: Tuesday 13th September

Our 22-23 Season Launch takes place on Tuesday the 13th of September at 7:00 PM.  The remaining 9 meetings from October to June are held on the first Tuesdays of each month, but in September we give it an extra week to let parents recover from the beginning of the school year.  As has become the norm, members will receive Zoom invitations by email.  On tap this month we have:

Wayne's World

Wayne Richardson moved homes recently and thus had to tear down his previous shop to rebuild a new one.  Working with an experienced perspective of what works and what doesn't, he will take us on a tour of his new, almost finished, woodshop.

Norman's Book

Norman Pirollo has published an ebook entitled Quiet Woodworking, featuring, as you might guess from the title, working with handtools.  A little of Norman's background and a photo of the book's cover are just clicks away.

Kevin's Gate

Our Turn

What we did this summer.  The prior three presentations form a gateway to this fourth: Now that we're back from yet another covid-relaxed summer, we undoubtedly have stories to tell about the woodworking accomplishments of the past three months.  Unless you opt out by messaging George (using "Chat" in Zoom) he will call on you to take a few minutes to recount your recent woodworking adventures.  They can be finished projects, project progress reports, projects just begun, new tool acquisitions, shop tours or remodels, appeals for advice, or anything else woodshop related.  If you have slides to show, even better.

Deja Vu

Again we will appeal for member participation in club administration, this time with a difference.  Yes, we still have unfilled Presidency, and Program Director/Vice Prsident positions, but we're done asking for those.  No, this time we want a small number of members (3?) to form a working group specifically as head hunters.  Their role would be to secure woodworkers who would provide feature presentations to the club.  Background on this proposal will be provided at the meeting.

So, let's have a great launch to 2022-23!


  1. Hi, I paid dues to join OWA, but I see no mention of where the actual meetings take place on this site, just 'first Tuesday of each month'. Is there an actual calendar somewhere or is this in the works?


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