Jazz Up your Tool Handles

Are you up for a special treat in October's meeting?  Karen McBride has upgraded her internet service and will be able to star in the Feature Presentation of the Month.  Her topic will be Inlay Bespoked Tool Handles.  Yes that's so: Instead of settling for a plain hickory hammer handle, why not jazz it up with a meaningful -- or just pretty -- inlay?  As always there will be time for the rest of us to contribute with shop tours, summer accomplishments, Q's to be A'ed by the experienced among us, personal tool reviews, and any other short presentations of interest to woodworkers.

So, if you're on the mailing list of the Ottawa Woodworkers Association or that of the Kingston Artisans, you will soon receive a Zoom invitation to the meeting: First Tuesday in October (the 5th) starting at 7 PM.  Come early -- at 6:59 -- to help set up chairs.


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